Press Release
Airforwarders Hail Enactment of Ports and Waterways Legislation
For Immediate Release: June 10, 2014
(WASHINGTON) - The Airforwarders Association (AfA) today welcomed the enactment of federal legislation authorizing new projects to improve the nation's ports and to strengthen its water transportation networks.
The bill, the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA), was signed into law by the President today after receiving overwhelmingly bipartisan support in both houses of Congress. In addition to authorizing federal spending on a broad range of ports and waterways infrastructure projects, it also cuts red tape and bureaucracy in order to accelerate their completion.
Noting that much of the cargo handled by the nation's air freight forwarders is transferred across two or more modes of transportation between shipper and receiver, AfA Executive Director Brandon Fried said that the WRRDA will do much to advance the nation's cargo handling capabilities so that its transportation infrastructure can stay competitive with other trading nations.
"Our members understand that moving freight requires the efficient operation of all forms of transportation into one intermodal network, and keeping our infrastructure in world class condition is vitally important to that aim," said Fried. "We are delighted that the administration and members of Congress from both parties have been able to work together to get this legislation on the books so these vital projects can move forward."
The AfA was part of a broad-based coalition, organized by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, that supported passage of the WRRDA as essential to improving American competitiveness, jobs and economic progress.
About the Airforwarders Association
The Airforwarders Association (AfA) represents more than 350 member companies dedicated to moving cargo throughout the supply chain. The association's members range from small businesses with fewer than 20 employees to large companies employing more than 1,000 people and business models varying from domestic to worldwide freight forwarding operations. In short, they are the travel agents for freight shipments, moving cargo in the timeliest and most cost efficient manner whether it is carried on aircraft, truck, rail or ship. For more information, visit the association's website at
Media Contact
David St. John